1. Reuters photographers, staff and freelance, must not stage or re-enact news events. They may not direct the subjects of their images or add, remove or move objects on a news assignment. Our news photography must depict reality. Any attempt to alter that reality constitutes fabrication and can lead to disciplinary action, including dismissal. 路透社的摄影记者,无论是专职还是自由摄影记者,都绝不允许摆布或重新导演新闻事件,绝不允许在拍摄过程中摆布被摄对象或者添加、删除以及移动被摄对象。路透社的新闻图片必须还原新闻事件发生时的真实场景。任何一种试图改变这种真实场景的行为将被视为捏造事实,摄影记者将因此受到包括解雇在内的相应惩罚。 2. Photographers may direct the subjects of portraits, formal interviews and non-news feature images needed to illustrate a story. The caption must not mislead the reader into believing these images are spontaneous. 摄影记者在拍摄人物肖像、正式采访和非新闻类的特写故事时,可以适当控制被摄对象。对此,图片说明必须解释现场情况,避免误导读者以为画面中是自然发生的场景。 3. The presence of the media can often influence how subjects behave. When the behavior shown is the result of the media’s presence, our captions must make that clear. If photographers from outside Reuters orchestrate or set up scenes, it is still a set-up. 新闻记者的出现有时会影响被摄对象的表现。当被摄对象的行为是由于新闻记者的出现而产生时,必须在图片说明中特别标明。在新闻采访中,即便是非路透社的记者摆布了新闻现场,这张照片也将被视为是摆拍的照片。 4. The best news photography occurs when the presence of the camera is not noticeable. Photographers should be as unobtrusive as possible to avoid influencing events and consider using long lenses. 最佳的新闻画面是在照相机不被(被摄对象)察觉的情况下产生的。摄影记者必须尽量避免影响正在发生的新闻事件,在一些场合可以考虑使用长镜头。 5. Composite images that show the progression of an event (e.g. lunar eclipse, time lapse) must indicate the technique in their captions. They are never acceptable in a news assignment. Captions must also make clear when a specialty lens (e.g. lens babies, tilt-shift lenses) or a special technique (e.g. soft focus, zooming) has been used to create an image in portraiture or on a features assignment. 当用合成照片表现某类特殊事件(如日食、月食或者连续画面)的过程时,必须在图片说明中交代所使用的特殊摄影技法。在常规新闻事件的报道中,禁止使用这类特殊摄影技法。人物肖像和特写故事的图片说明必须交代所使用的特殊镜头(如宽角转换镜头lens babies, 移轴镜tilt-shift lenses),或技法(如柔焦、变焦)。 ACCURACY IN CAPTIONS(图片说明的准确性): 1. Just as our news photographs must reflect reality, so too should our captions. They must adhere to the basic Reuters rules of accuracy and freedom from bias and must answer the basic questions of good journalism. Who is in the picture? Where was it taken? When was it taken? What does it show? Why is a subject doing a particular thing? 新闻摄影是图片与文字相结合的传播方式,这意味着在这种传播方式中,文字与摄影同样重要。因此,图片说明的准确性是新闻摄影真实性的一部分。合格的图片说明必须包括完整的新闻要素:谁?什么时间?在哪儿?发生了什么?为何发生? 2. They generally consist of a single sentence but a second sentence should be added if additional context or explanation is required. 一般情况下,图片说明用一句话概括,必要时增添第二句交代新闻背景。 3. Contentious information, like death tolls in conflict, must be sourced. The caption must explain the circumstances in which a photograph was taken and state the correct date. 对于那些容易引起争议的信息,如死亡人数,必须提供来源。图片说明必须交代新闻事件发生时的现场情况以及准确时间。 4. Captions must not contain assumptions by the photographer about what might have happened, even when a situation seems likely. Explain only what you have witnessed. All other information about an event must be sourced unless you are certain of your information. 图片说明中不允许添加摄影记者的任何主观想象,即便是极有可能发生的现象。除了摄影记者亲身见证的信息,图片说明中的其他任何信息必须标明来源。 5. Captions also should not make assumptions about what a person is thinking e.g. England captain David Beckham ponders his future after his team was knocked out of the World Cup soccer finals ... Stick to what the photo shows and what you know. 图片说明中禁止出现对被摄对象主观想法的揣测,如“英格兰队世界杯淘汰后,队长贝克汉姆考虑着自己的前途……”在图片说明的写作中,必须准确地分辨画面中展示什么和你(摄影记者)知道什么。 Sensitive Images in Controlled Environments(特殊控制情况下的敏感照片): Some of our photographs are taken under controlled conditions in which photographers cannot operate freely. This is particularly true during conflicts and in countries where the media’s movements are restricted. Such photographs must say if the image was taken during an organized or escorted visit unless the photographer was truly free to work independently. 在一些情况下,摄影记者不得不在受到局限的条件下工作,特别是在报道冲突时或者在新闻自由受到限制的国家。此时,图片说明必须交代该画面时在有(官方)组织的条件下拍摄的。 Photo Opportunities(拍摄机会): Reuters does not stage news photos. Sometimes, subjects may strike an artificial pose, such as at a product launch, a show business event or a sports victory ceremony or when requested to do so to illustrate a feature. In some circumstances, such as during demonstrations, civil unrest, street celebrations or conflict, the presence of photographers and television crews may prompt subjects to act abnormally. 路透社不摆布新闻图片。有时,被摄对象会刻意摆好姿势等待拍摄,如产品发布会、商务活动或者庆功会。还有一些情况,如游行示威或是街头庆祝,摄影记者和电视记者的出现可能会激发当事人反常的举动。 These images should be few and can be clichés. They must be clearly captioned to show the reader that the actions are not spontaneous and to explain the context. 这类图片应该越少越好。如果出现,必须在图片说明中注明被摄对象的举动不是自发产生的。 |
2009-3-5 15:54:18
2009-4-23 11:21:17