Photoshop is a highly sophisticated image manipulation programme. We use only a tiny part of its potential capability to format our pictures, crop and size them and balance the tone and colour. Photoshop是一个非常复杂的图片编辑软件。我们仅仅只使用其巨大图片编辑功能中的一小部分,剪裁和重定图片大小以及平衡色调和色彩。 Materially altering a picture in Photoshop or any other image editing software will lead to dismissal. 用Photoshop或者其它任何图片编辑软件对照片进行本质修改将直接导致被解雇。 THE RULES ARE(规则是): 1.No additions or deletions to the subject matter of the original image. 不得对原片的主体进行增加或减少 thus changing the original content and journalistic integrity of an image. 不得改变原始内容以及图片的新闻真实 2.No excessive lightening, darkening or blurring of the image. 不得过度调亮、调暗或者模糊图片 thus misleading the viewer by disguising certain elements of an image. 不得通过对图片某些部分进行掩盖从而误导读者 3.No excessive colour manipulation. 不得过度调整颜色 thus dramatically changing the original lighting conditions of an image. THE GUIDELINES ARE(指导原则是): 1.Only minor Photoshop work should be performed in the field. 在新闻现场只能通过Photoshop进行细微的调整 (Especially from laptops) We require only cropping, sizing and levels with resolution set to 300dpi. Where possible, ask your regional or global picture desks to perform any required further Photo-shopping on their calibrated hi-resolution screens. This typically entails lightening/darkening, sharpening, removal of dust and basic colour correction. (尤其在笔记本电脑上)我们要求只能进行剪裁、调整图片大小、色阶以及分辨率调整至300象素/英寸。当有需要的时候,可以要求地区或者全球图片编辑室在其校准过的高分辨率屏幕上进一步对图片编辑。这些包括调亮/调暗、锐化、清楚污点以及基本颜色校准。 2.When working under prime conditions, some further minor Photo-shopping (performed within the above rules) is acceptable. 在一流条件下,进一步的Photoshop细微调节(在以上规定内执行)是可以接受的。 This includes basic colour correction, subtle lightening/darkening of zones, sharpening, removal of dust and other minor adjustments that fall within the above rules. Reuters recommendations on the technical settings for these adjustments appear below. The level of Photoshop privileges granted to photographers should be at the discretion of the Chief/Senior Photographers within the above guidelines. All photographers should understand the limitations of their laptop screens and their working environments. 这些包括基本的颜色校准,部分区域轻微地调亮/调暗、锐化、去除污点以及其它在以上规则下进行的细微调整。路透社对于这些技术设置的推荐如下:摄影记者所能使用Photoshop程度的权限需要由首席摄影记者/高级摄影记者来处置。所有的摄影记者都必须理解他们笔记本电脑以及工作环境的局限性。 Photographers should trust the regional and global pictures desks to carry out the basic functions to prepare their images for the wire. All EiCs and sub editors from regional and the global desks will be trained in the use of Photoshop by qualified Adobe trainers to a standard set by senior pictures staff. The photographer can always make recommendations via the Duty Editor. Ask the desk to lighten the face, darken the left side, lift the shadows etc. Good communication with the desk is essential. 摄影记者必须信任地区编辑室以及全球编辑室来通过一些基本功能来准备他们的照片。地区和全球编辑者的主编和助理编辑都会接受Adobe培训师的训练使其达到资深影像专家所确定的标准。摄影记者可以向编辑提出建议。要求编辑调亮人物脸部、调暗左侧、消除阴影等。与编辑室的良好交流非常必要。 TECHNICAL GUIDELINES(技术指导): 1. Cloning, Healing or Brush Tools are not to be used. The single exception to this rule is sensor dust removal. The cloning tool will only be used below the 100 pixels radius setting. Unless performed on a well-calibrated screen under good working conditions we strongly recommend photographers to request dust removal by pictures desks. 克隆,修复或笔刷工具不允许使用。唯一的例外就是去除相机图象传感器上灰尘导致的照片污点。克隆工具只可以设置在100象素以下进行操作。除非是在良好工作环境下的校准屏幕下,我们强烈建议摄影记者让编辑室来处理照片上的污点。 2. Saturation should not be used. It affects image quality and cannot be judged well on a laptop screen and adds nothing more than what can be achieved in levels. 色相/饱和度工具不允许使用。它不仅会影响图片质量,而且在笔记本电脑的屏幕上也无法被很好的调整,更重要的相对于色阶调整的效果而言它并没有什么特殊之处。 3. Colour Balance adjustment should be kept to the minimum, especially on laptop screens which tend to have a blue dominance. 色彩平衡的调整应该尽量最低限度,尤其在有偏蓝色主导的笔记本电脑屏幕上。 4. Levels should only be adjusted to the start points of the histogram graph on both shadows and highlights. 色阶工具只能通过移动色阶柱状图的起止点来调整暗调和高光。 5. Auto Levels should not be used. 自动色阶工具不允许使用。 6. The Burn Tool in most cases should only used to subtly darken areas that have been overexposed. When the burn tool is used in shadows a visible element of everything that can be seen in the raw file must remain visible. 加深、减淡、海绵工具在大多数情况下只能用于局部轻微调暗曝光过度的地方。当减淡工具在阴影地方使用的时候,原片中所有可视部分应依然保持可以被识别。 7. Highlights and Shadows can be toned by using the selective highlights tool, a feather of 25-30 and then adjusted in curves. 高光和暗调工具只能通过选择性的高光工具来调整,通过20~30象素羽化以及曲线调整。 8. The Lasso Tool should not be used when using a laptop to file pictures. It is essential that great care is taken with this tool to avoid the ‘halo’ effect which is produced when the feathering is too great and the tonal change ‘bleeds over’ into the unselected zone. Likewise, not enough feathering will produce a vivid jagged edge to the lasso area. Typically a feathering setting of between 5 and 20 pixels is used, depending on the size and positioning of the zone. Again we strongly recommend this is handled by desks. 套索工具在使用笔记本电脑来编发图片时不允许使用。使用此工具的时候应尽量避免由于过度羽化而导致的“晕轮”效应,从光调变化“渐进”至那些没有选择的区域。类似的,不足的羽化则会导致套索边缘区域出现明显的锯齿。通常情况下,5~10象素的羽化应当根据照片中调整区域的大小和位置来使用。再次申明,我们强烈建议由编辑室来进行处理。 9. The Eye Dropper can be used on a neutral gray area to set colour. But is dependent on the quality of the computer screen to determine if you are in fact seeing a real gray! 取色器工具只能通过灰点来设置颜色,但是此举取决于电脑屏幕的质量事实上是否能够让你看到真正的灰色 。 10. Sharpening should be set at zero (0) in the camera. Pictures may then be sharpened by 300% at a radius of 0.3, threshold 0, in Photoshop. 锐化工具在相机设置中应该被调整到零。照片可能需要在Photoshop中按照300%数量,半径0.3象素以及阈值0色阶进行锐化。 11. No selective area sharpening should be done. 选择性局部锐化工具不允许使用。 Third-party Sharpening Plug-ins is not permitted. 第三方锐化工具不允许使用。 12. Third-party Noise-Reduction Plug-ins should be avoided but are acceptable if Chief Photographers are convinced they are being used properly. 第三方噪点减弱插件工具应尽量避免除非当地首席摄影记者确信其被恰当使用。 13. Camera Settings, in particular saturation (and Image Styles in the Canon 5D) should be set to “standard” with the exception of in-camera sharpening which should be turned OFF. The Color setting Adobe RGB is the Reuters standard. 相机设置的特殊色相(例如佳能5D下的照片模式中)应该选择“标准”,而相机内的锐化功能应该选择关闭。Abode RGB是路透标准的颜色设置。 14. Multiple-Exposure pictures must be clearly identified in the caption and drawn to the attention of pictures desks before transmission. 多次曝光的照片必须在图说中清楚地说明,并且在发稿之前需向编辑室说明。 |